Saturday, September 22, 2012


On March 2011, I bought the tickets as a  gift for myself.  No better way to celebrate a graduation on March than go to the  so called " last frontier"- Palawan.

My mom booked the accommodations and to my surprise she chose a pricey one. Later, I found out that it was a tour package. The hotel would provide the transportation, food and a tour guide. It was the best vacation in my whole life. We never haggled with drivers as to the transportation fees, nor we got lost and argued whose fault is it. Okay, we got lost once and it was scary. The resort we stayed was new and nobody knows where it is. and Palawan is a city within a forest. You will know what I mean when you get there.

We booked at Deep Forest Garden Inn Hotel.

Palawan is indeed a paradise.

One good thing about  in a tour group is sometimes you meet friendly people.

Day 1 of our tour: Undergound River

Day 2 Island Hopping at Honda Bay

                                                             day 3 tour around the city

 “Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.” – Seneca

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